Application Information*

Easy as one, two, three!

One )  You must be a member of the AMA. Their application can be found here:  AMA Membership Application Form

Two )  Submit a completed and signed HSRCC Application Form: HSRCC Membership Application Form

Three )  Send membership fees, and proof of AMA membership, to HSRCC, 907 Saltbrush Rd, Dayton, NV 89403

* Subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors/Officers.

To Fly at The Pony Express Airpark Please Read and Abide by These

Safety Rules.

Club Dues:

Individual Adult (19 & over), $75 annually. NOTE: Pay your dues before February 1st and get a $25 discount!

Individual Junior (18 & under), FREE.

Club Meetings:

Check the home page of our web site to find out where the next meeting is to be held. Meetings are held monthly with the date and time posted on the home page of this web site. Visitors and guests are always welcome. At the meetings, we discuss club business, report on current model-related events, and sometimes have a show-and-tell session.

Club Newsletter:

Our club newsletter, Sierra Signals, is E-mailed monthly to all members. The newsletter’s primary mission is to facilitate communication within the club. Keep in mind that producing material for the newsletter is not the sole responsibility of the editor. All of us can and should contribute. It’s important for club members to share their experiences and knowledge for the benefit of others. Did you just attend a special event that others might like to hear about? Have you bought a model product lately that you think is fantastic? Do you have an idea or a building technique you’d like to share? Want to make an announcement? Got something to sell? Remember that only a portion of our membership attends the meetings, but all of our members get the newsletter. Articles, how-to’s, classified ads, etc. are always needed.

Academy of Model Aeronautics:

The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is a national organization, encompassing all facets of modeling, including radio control, free flight, and control line. The High Sierra RC Club is charter member #1362 of the AMA, with over 70 members. There are over 2500 clubs chartered with the AMA, and total membership is nearly 200,000. Membership in the AMA is required by High Sierra RC Club. As an AMA member you will receive a monthly magazine, Model Aviation, you will be eligible to fly in AMA sanctioned events like contests and fly-ins, and your modeling activities will be insured. AMA insurance provides general liability coverage; accident/medical coverage; and fire, vandalism, and theft coverage. Keep in mind that AMA insurance is secondary to any other applicable coverage, such as homeowner’s.

FAA Permitting:

If you haven’t done so you should get your FAA permit. You can access what you need to do from the AMA website or you can go directly to the FAA Drone Zone website . All members should check this out considering that most everything we fly is considered a drone and it is all good information to be familiar with. At the conclusion there is a test to take that is designed to help you pass.

Flight Instruction:

Our club has an organized, AMA approved, flight instruction program. Instructors are available to help and we keep a club trainer in flying condition. If you are in need of flight instruction, please contact the Club President, George Kohler (Contact Page), for more details.


Anybody visiting the Carson City area that holds a valid AMA card is welcome to fly at the Pony Express Model Airpark field at no charge. Guest are welcome as long as there is a HSRC Club member present while they are flying. They must show a current AMA card, and obey the AMA safety code as well as the club rules. High Sierra RC Club is open to anyone with an interest in model aviation and welcomes your interest.