Change of meeting time?

To all members; with many of you living outside of Carson City who regularly attend our club meetings and having to drive into town in the dark during the winter months with possible snow and ice conditions, we are looking at implementing a winter club meeting time change.

We’re proposing a one o’clock in the afternoon, meeting on the same second Tuesday of each month.  Now this will only probably last for three or four months at the most when we are experiencing our bad weather. We have been spoiled this year with real fair conditions, but we know how it is in Nevada, and it can change quickly and still dump on us this year.  One good point that was brought up was we are all getting older and eyesight for many is not what it used to be.  In that regard, we know that daytime meetings will make it an easier commute for a lot of you who regularly attend the meetings.

Again, this is only for the winter meetings, nothing else changes for spring, fall and summer. They are still the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM for those of you who want to attend.  Those of you who are regular attendees at the meeting, please make sure we have your input on this proposed change, but I believe it will be welcomed by most.  If need be, based on your comments, this issue can be discussed further at the February 11th meeting.

My only request is that if you have any concerns on the winter meeting proposal that you get back to me, George Kohler (Pres) or Dave Vandenberg by Friday, January 17th.  If there are no replies with concerns by that date, then we will assume no further discussion is needed the wintertime change will go into effect.  If that happens there will be a follow up email announcing those details prior to the February meeting.

As always, thanks for your input and have a great day👍🏽

George Kohler,

President HSRCC